Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Last Day as the Sunbeam Teachers :(

Today was our last day as the sunbeam teachers in the Idaho Falls 4th ward. I'm graduating this Friday, then it's home for Christmas with my family and then back up here to pack and move to Las Vegas on the 3rd of January. Cameron's brother is graduating this week as well and his parents, aunt, uncle, and sister are all coming. Unfortunately none of my family will be able to make it...I asked for plane tickets home for Christmas as my graduation present (and birthday and Christmas and Easter...)

Canadian Thanksgiving

My friend Erin is from Canada and her family came down for Canadian Thanksgiving. Did you know that the Canadian's were the first one's to celebrate the holiday?   They made a whole slew of food for all of Erin's friends (including me and Cameron!)

First Snow!

The first snow of the season came 2 weeks before Halloween. Cameron was so excited we had to run outside and take some pics to capture the moment. Unfortunately (for him) the snow didn't stick (don't tell him but I was glad-I'm the one who has to drive in it!)

Boo at the Zoo

Sorry, not a lot of pics from Halloween...what can I say, it was dark outside! Cameron, Julie and I went to Boo at the Zoo; a fun night put on by the city where kids can safely trick or treat at the not so spooky zoo exhibits. I know we're a little older than the normal crowd, but hey! you're always a kid at heart, right? 
p.s. Cameron went as Steve Jobs. Me? I went as...a cold Texan in Idaho! The mouse is a spiny mouse from Africa. It was so cute in it's spookily decorated exhibit with all the jack-o-lanturns I couldn't help but take a pic.

Posts that should have been put up a long time ago but weren't because I couldn't find the camera cord and then we didn't have any internet!

A long title for a short post :) Here are some pics from way back in August when Cameron and I along with our friend Julie went to the Idaho State Fair! Julie was my room mate my first 2 years at BYU-Idaho. Can you tell I love animals just about as much as I love my husband? (tee hee just kidding Cam...I'd pick you over a draft horse any day!)


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Can life exist without the internet?

Hello there just wanted to post to say that we no longer have the internet which is why I haven't been able to post anything lately! I guess our old landlord forgot to mention to the new owners that internet was part of our rent so the new ones don't want to provide it for us anymore. Since we live in their basement and the hookups run from the upstairs it's not like we can just get our own. :(
I have a whole slew of pictures just itchin' to get up here but alas they will have to be patient and wait (next to no one really looks at my blog anyway but it gives me some personal satisfaction to put pieces of my life on the internet :).
Here are some events that have happened since my last post:
  • We've had our first snow storm this year
  • Cameron lost his job (economy stuff)
  • Midterms
  • Primary program!

More info coming soon...hopefully!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

1/3 of the way through!

Woo hoo! One of the nice things about having shorter (12 week) semesters now is that after 4 weeks you're 1/3 of the way through :) I gets to gradeeate on December 12th (i think? hope I pass all my classes!) then it's off to student teach in Las Vegas. wish me luck!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Life is Hard

I think I've had one of the worst days of my LIFE today...maybe a worst week. First thing waking up I remembered I had totally SPACED a lab yesterday. How embarrassing! I rushed to my laptop to let my teacher know that I hadn't been skipping but before I could hit the "send" button I noticed a peculiar email from my teacher. She had actually emailed me last night to yell at me for not being in class! Now not only am I extremely embarrassed but my teacher is yelling at me! Who's teacher cares if they miss class? Anyway she said I was irresponsible and "tying to avoid my problems". What problems? Didn't know I had any in that class till you emailed me saying I did! I mean who's teacher DOES that?

Right after that email I get another one: this time from the Student Records office saying I am to be suspended for living in "unauthorized housing for a single student". It said it was the 2nd and final email requesting If married to get them a copy of my marriage license (plus an arm and a leg it seems like) but i'd never heard of this policy before!

Next thing I do is get the mail in which I find a letter from my bank saying my account has been over-drafted. Funny thing is I checked with the store that I gave the check to last week and they said they had already cashed it! So now I'm in the minus and all our gas money is gone. I don't even have a way to get to school on Monday...let alone the projects I was supposed to work on tomorrow. :( It continues... My mom is sending me money via paypal to finish up the B-day present for my Dad which we all went in on but it's destined to an account in the minus. So it will go in and still be in the hole and my Dad won't get a birthday present. My life SUCKS right now (and I don't use that word often!) 

No gas money also means I can't go with my friend on the school trip we've been planning on attending. She's already mad at me for not having enough gas money to go on a trip last week with her (she thought I was bailing out) and now when I have a redeeming change it is washed away and she'll once again think I'm bailing. 

So then I go to school, cringing at my gas meter which is running dangerously low...
As soon as I get in who do I run into but my grouchy teacher who sarcastically says, "Glad you could make it". I don't even have class with her today! Unfortunately I had a group project working on stuff near her office and she would periodically walk by, sneer, and ask me when I was going to turn stuff in that wasn't even due. I mean give me a break! 

so here I am...sitting at my laptop deciding if I would rather die by drowning or strangulation...hmmm...tough choice. I guess I should look at the bright side:

1. I still have all my appendiges
2. I'm not married to my teacher
3. I'm not annoying like the Ms. Idaho in my class
4. I get to eat chocolate doughnuts whenever I want (that is, if I have 59 cents to spare)
5. I'm a natural blonde

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New Do'

So I guess I technically should have posted this BEFORE the trip pics, but I was just so excited to get them up...ya' know? So yeah, I got my hair cut. SHORT. The shortest in my whole long life of 23 years. Well...maybe that's not long compared to some peoples lives...oh I digress. Anywhoo I got it cut! I decided that I wanted something new, exciting, fun, and more...summery? Well now it's 44 degrees here in Idaho so I guess the summery part is negate. How do you like it?

The Name Game

So finally after 5 months of puking and nausea and missing work I finally decided to quit my birth control. I don't know if any of you out there have had the same problem but I'm just not good with meds I guess. bleh! The good thing is that we were planning on going off in a month of two anyway, I just couldn't take it any longer. Our original plan flows like this: go off birth control in the fall, get pregnant in the winter, and have a baby in the summer! nice, huh? It will be so perfect if it all works out. I've always wanted a baby right off but since I only had one year left of school until my bachelors I thought it silly to quit so close to being done. Since I can't have a baby in the middle of student teaching (wouldn't you feel awkward giving birth in front of a classroom full of pre-teens?) and I get done in April-summer is the perfect time. Hopefully everything goes according to plan....we'll see. The tricky part is that Cameron's 2 married older brothers haven't been able to get pregnant so far (you know what I mean!) so we're a little worried. We've been thinking about going and getting his little swimmers checked out-I say give me a microscope and I can do it myself! (What's the point of taking all those bio lab classes if I never get to use my skills for anything cool?)
oh, so back to the topic of this blog-BABY NAMES. These are my favorites :)
-*Lethe (always been and always will be my favorite)
-Madelynn-Maddie (know this has been used but I still love it)
-Kaylee (yeah this has been used too...)
-Isabella (nothing to do with Twilight i swear)


As you can see I have quite a few more girl names than boy names...maybe subconsciously I'm hoping for alot of girls?  I'll put down more when I think of them. If anyone has a cute name I would love to hear it! 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Great Salt Lake Trip!

Our trip started out nice and sun-shiny but come Sunday it was 44 degrees and raining like cats and dogs. Luckily we were able to go to most of our outside places while it was still nice. I highly recommend the Dinosaur Museum-it was freakin' awesome! It goes through time from the Pre-Cambrian period to present and shows fossils, diaramas, and models of things from each period. They even have a 3-D movie theatre with movies on the stuff you'll find inside (hence the funky glasses in the pic). Unfortunately Cameron wasn't feeling the best during most of the trip but he managed to still have some fun (especially at Boondocks where we drove the go-karts 6 times, played 2 games of lazer tag, and shot miniature golf to our hearts content). I was surprised when we went by the mall and Cameron announced he'd like to 'build-a-bear'! Hence the birth of Kirby Koala. 

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Assistant Education Director at the Zoo

Hey Y'all! I have a new job at the zoo here in Idaho Falls, and I'm Soo exited! So to prepare I went on an african safari, here is the proof! I had many wonderful adventures, with many more to come at the zoo! I start Monday!! 

Engagement Pics!

Engagement pics! Since I don't have wedding pics yet, I figured I could post some engagement pics so that my blog isn't so boring :)

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Woo-hoo we have a blog!!

Hey y'all! Well I know I said it would never happen, but I have a blog! I've been sucked over into the dark side of cyberspace communication, *sigh*, isn't life great?!