Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Name Game

So finally after 5 months of puking and nausea and missing work I finally decided to quit my birth control. I don't know if any of you out there have had the same problem but I'm just not good with meds I guess. bleh! The good thing is that we were planning on going off in a month of two anyway, I just couldn't take it any longer. Our original plan flows like this: go off birth control in the fall, get pregnant in the winter, and have a baby in the summer! nice, huh? It will be so perfect if it all works out. I've always wanted a baby right off but since I only had one year left of school until my bachelors I thought it silly to quit so close to being done. Since I can't have a baby in the middle of student teaching (wouldn't you feel awkward giving birth in front of a classroom full of pre-teens?) and I get done in April-summer is the perfect time. Hopefully everything goes according to plan....we'll see. The tricky part is that Cameron's 2 married older brothers haven't been able to get pregnant so far (you know what I mean!) so we're a little worried. We've been thinking about going and getting his little swimmers checked out-I say give me a microscope and I can do it myself! (What's the point of taking all those bio lab classes if I never get to use my skills for anything cool?)
oh, so back to the topic of this blog-BABY NAMES. These are my favorites :)
-*Lethe (always been and always will be my favorite)
-Madelynn-Maddie (know this has been used but I still love it)
-Kaylee (yeah this has been used too...)
-Isabella (nothing to do with Twilight i swear)


As you can see I have quite a few more girl names than boy names...maybe subconsciously I'm hoping for alot of girls?  I'll put down more when I think of them. If anyone has a cute name I would love to hear it! 

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