Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, May 14, 2010

Chicago Temple & Other Such Things

We finally got to take a trip to the Chicago temple a few Saturdays ago on Cam's duty free day and had a lovely time. The temple here is much different than we're use is pretty small even compared to Houston and the layout is really weird inside. Not to say we don't look forward to going back, it's just different. When we asked to rent a dress for my pregnant belly the ladies looked at us kinda funny and said, "we don't take money for things like that here". Well OK! Free is great too!
I practically ran down a passerby in the parking lot and asked her to take this picture. She was probably like "what the...? Who are these people?" Cameron still has to wear his "peanut butters" everywhere until he earns "phase 2".

Later on at the base we stopped to check out the RV campground on the lake and found that you could see the Chicago skyline across the lake!
It's pretty faint in the pic (and fuzzy-sorry!)  But isn't it neat!? I can't wait to actually go to the city.
A pretty view of the lake.


I thought I would put a few pics of Triscuit up seeing as he was our first baby and he's not going to get much attention after the twinses are born. Since we've moved he's really missed all his puppy friends back in Houston :(

Triscuit LOVES Emily. Maybe because she was the first person he met in his new home state...or maybe because she pays attention to his ego (which says you must throw balls for me to chase at all times, then give me a tummy rub in coencentric clockwise circles for 5 minutes, followed by scratching behind the ears for 4...).
Did I mention he loves to swing? There is a little kiddy park not too far from my apartment that has a dog park connected to it. Triscuit really likes to feel the wind blowing in his face as the swing swishes back and forth.
Here he is peeking through a hole in the fence. He is always alert to any mobsters that may be near by-so don't even try to get close you mobsters!
"This is what I do to mobsters who get too close!"

A First Attempt

So Emily & I decided to try our hand at sushi rolling last Wednesday... and here are the (not so pretty) results. At least we tried, right? I'm sure we'll get better with practice.

We also had edamame courtesty of the local Sam's Club. Each Wednesday our own group of new Navy wives gets together for lunch, chatting, and other such fun things. Unfortunately this past week only Emily and I were able to make it (which might have been a good thing judging by how floppy our rolls look...). Next week is Chinese!
*Disclaimer: Sushi is harder to make than it looks! Now I know why they charge buckoo bucks at the sushi restaurants-it's hard to get everything to stick together and turn out round-ish! Hopefully we will be able to get good enough soon to try the rice on the outside kind! (fingers crossed!)*