So they say most twins come around 35 weeks, but I'm not so sure. I mean, mine are definitely BIG enough to come soon (nearly 7 lbs each), but I just have a feeling they won't. I haven't been having contractions or any of the pre-labor symptoms I they told me about in the labor class, and my cervix hasn't been doing anything. Even though we don't have all their stuff yet, I am READY for them to come! Well...I guess I should say I'm ready to sleep in my bed again, actually...I'm ready to SLEEP (I know you don't get much sleep after having babies cause you get woken up to take care of them, but by golly you can at least get some good sleep in between, and on your stomach for that matter)! I take little naps throughout the day and night on the couch, but I haven't slept regularly for more than 45 minutes at a time for over a month. Plus I have to get up and stretch my legs to keep them from cramping, pee every hour and eat during the night or else my stomach feels sick.
I can't wait 'till Cameron gets to come home every night! He has all the paperwork filled out and approved by the first tier, now he has to get it approved by two other people and then wait for it to be sent back to him. He better get it before I go into labor, cause I ain't drivin' myself to the hospital in the middle of the night! lol (actually, I have several friends on the alert that would drive me, but I'd rather have Cameron be there of course). My mom and little sis' Gretchen will be coming up as soon as I call and tell them I'm in the Hospital, or a few days before I have a C-section if they have to schedule one of those. We should be ok, at least unless "B" (cohen) gets more than 15% bigger than "A" (Camden) since "A" dialates the cervix and if "B" is bigger he won't fit through. My dr. has been doing non stress tests every week, and the babies are doing great-very strong-in fact they kick off the monitors so often the nurse has to come in and adjust them constantly, lol.
Good and Wise Parents
3 weeks ago