It's my goal to do at least 2 "go somewhere" fun things a month (not including the bi-weekly trip to Sams Club and the grocery store) and in that spirit, this past week we decided to visit the Chicago Botanic Gardens. It's not exactly easy finding places to take your 3 month old twins where people won't mind the possibility of a lot of crying, nursing, and where I don't mind showing off my spit-up upon attire. The botanic gardens are the perfect adventure for us for several reasons: outside babies can cry all they want and no one gets mad, there are plenty of secluded benches for nursing, it gives us a chance to get a little exercise, there are lots of pretty colors for the babies to look at, and the best part is....drum roll... it's FREE! woo-hoo! That is, for military anyway. So off we went with sandwiches in hand and babies snug in their blankies.
Camden all snug with his daddy |
co in the snap and go. we decided to switch off who rode in the stroller and who was carried. The one getting carried gets a great view and extra snuggling |
Sleepy Cohen. Wonder what he's dreaming about... |
What a cutie! |
I want a vegetable garden just like this! It's fantastic! These boxes let in the sun but can be closed to keep the plants out of the elements. The bottom is open to the soil. |
These huge vegetables were all around the vegetable garden, there was one pumpkin as big as 2 men! |
beautiful vegetable garden! can't wait to have my own like this one day... |
They have a bonsai display with 20 specimens, some over 50 years old. these things are amazing the way they are grown and shaped to look like full grown trees! I wish Trevor could have been there with me to see them. |
Forest, or bonsai? |
I spy with my little eye...Find Cameron and Camden in these two photos! |
cameron decided to take the babies on their first "off-roading" adventure |
Don't you love my luscious lips! mwah! |
I know this guy does... |
Gettin' ready to eat some yummy milks for lunch |
I see the boob, I see it! |
Is it my turn yet mom? |
A really cool cactus in a really warm greenhouse. |
Love the eyebrows. Can't wait to see what he can do with them when he's older |
Cannabalism? |
PEEK-A-BOO! I see you! |
There was a cute little water feature in the hallway so I decided to sit a bit with Co before going back out into the cold |
There was a flower show going on at the time-the pink one and the white one are my top picks. I would love waking up to a vase of these freshly picked every morning! |
Cool prickly brain looking thingie |