Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 27, 2010

Achievements Unlocked!

So since we have been parents for a whole two months now, we wanted to share with you some of the things we are becoming good at as professional parents (woot woot!). Hey wait..I'm the only professional one around here! ;)  I asked Cameron to put together a list of what he thought. Of course, Cameron puts things differently than I below you will find Cameron's list of top ten parenting bests, followed by my explanation of what the heck he's talking about (with a picture in the middle for posterity).

Cameron's List
9. Spanking
8.Gettin' naked
7. Triscuitback riding
6. Sleeping in class
5. Speed Changing
4. Pee-dodging failure cleanup
3. Making burritos
2. Scaring mom
1. Break Dancing

Kristie's Explanations
10.Cameron running around the house with the babies pretending they're airplanes (I do not endorse this)
9.  Patting their backs when they're gassy
8.  Breastfeeding (of course, I am the only one in this house good at that!)
7.  Cameron likes to hold them over Triscuit and pretend that they are riding him...poor Triscuit
6.  Waking up in the night to take care of the babies.
5. Changing two poopy diapers in under 30 seconds flat!
4. Lots and lots of laundry (done mostly by ME I might add...)
3. Swaddling the bubs in blankets to put them to bed at night (Cameron definitely wins this one)
2. Cameron pretending to throw the babies in the air (also NOT endorsed by me)
1. This one is hard to have to see it to get the full effect, but basically it's Cameron's signature move...wiggling the babies when they cry. It's like a vibrating chair and they really like it.


Kari said...

HAHAHAHA! So fun. I remember when Linkon was so little! Your buddies are oh so cute! I want to give them lots of kisses.
Oh, and I just looked at your post about your delivery. I had no idea it was all that crazy. They were 15 weeks early!?

by KristieLee said...

ohmygosh! lol no it was 35 sorry typing error! really after looking at the calendar again I think I was actually 34 weeks...but who cares they're doin great

realula said...

Great picture! Love the parenting skills!

Larzipan said...

HaHa! Sounds like you are getting the hang of the babsies and having all the fun you can have with two little ones! I wish I could give them luvies and play with them and eat their pigies!