Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 1, 2010

And they came two by two

As all of you probably already know, the babies have arrived! Or rather...were born (since they were here the whole time...just in my tummy!! :) Here is a brief story of what happened on their birthday (sorry there aren't many hospital pics since it was an emergency delivery):

   I woke up around 2:30 am Monday the 21st to go to the bathroom and as I stood up it felt like a geyser shooting from between my legs (sorry-this part is not for those who don't want to hear about gross stuff!)! I was 35 weeks, 1 day, and my water had broke-against everything my birth class had told me! ;) Anyway it wasn't clear like it was supposed to be but bright red so the dr. told me to get to the emergency room asap. Surprisingly I was incredibly calm throughout the whole thing. I called a few friends, woke one up, and she was over in 20 minutes. By then the bathroom floor was soaked and there was a nasty trail from the couch to the bathroom and a very confused triscuit. In the mean time I was able to gather a few things together for the hospital, mop up the bathroom floor and stuff several towels between my legs. I called Cameron and in a haze he said he would find a way to get to the hospital from the base (where he lives-he sleeps at home on the weekends only). When my friend and I arrived at the hospital (only 1 contraction by this time) she had to find a wheelchair and wheel me in-from there they took me upstairs to labor and delivery and my very sleepy dr. arrived to do an ultrasound. He didn't tell me why there was so much blood but that Camden (A) was breech and we were doing a C-section in 45 MINUTES! I frantically tried to get a hold of Cameron, and luckily he arrived literally FIVE MINUTES before they cut me open. 

Almost time! Waiting to go to surgery. Don't we look so nice at 5am!

The whole thing happened extremely fast. I walked into the room and sat on the table-they had me lean over and gave me the epidural and before I knew it I felt like I was paralyzed from the waist down. The funny thing is that I could wiggle my big toe on the right foot the whole time, but couldn't feel anything else! I wiggled that toe the whole time to keep myself from freaking out about not feeling my bottom half! lol It seemed like only 5 minutes or so until Camden came out squealing like a little piggy. 

Camden's first pic
Cohen came out one minute later and only made one little yelp. In the recovery room they noticed he wasn't breathing right and he was rushed upstairs to the NICU.

 Cohen's first pic before they took him upstairs

Cameron was great the whole time-he couldn't look at anything that was happening, just told me everything was going great and we would all be fine (love you Cameron!). After another few minutes stitching me back up they took me to the recovery room where I shook violently for about an hour and threw up a couple times (isn't birth beautiful! ;) I never even got to see Cohen until they let me see him in his isolet before sending him downtown to the Children's specialty hospital for testing and observatin (they thought he might have sleep apnea or seizures). The next few days in the hospital are a blur. Cameron had to be on base doing paperwork to get time off, and all I really remember is that they had T.V. and a great menu to order from! lol

 Cameron and Camden asleep on the couch/cameron's bed

Camden AKA "cherry tomato" in his wheelie bed. 
He was so small and red with a round face, he looked just like a little tomato!

I have several great friends that took care of the mess at my apt and watched Triscuit for me during my stay at the hospital, I don't know what I would do without them! They arranged the babies room and set everything up, even sorting the clothes into separate age groups and putting them in my dresser. YOU GIRLS ARE AWESOME! Cameron, Camden, and I came home 5 days after the delivery. My mom and Gretchen arrived the day before I was discharged.

Cameron and Camden snuggling (Cam looks pretty tired). Camden always finds a way to stick his feet out of anything!
Sleepy Camden

Unfortunately Cohen had to stay in the hospital for 3 weeks for all sorts of tests including an MRI and a couple EEGs to determine whether or not he was having seizures. So far all they can see is that he has a cyst in his brain that occured in utero and is clearing up on it's own. It shouldn't do him much damage since babies don't start using that part of their brain until they are around 6 months old and he can store that info in another part of his noggin'. We will just monitor him and do a couple more tests as he gets a little older. As of now, BOTH MY BUBS ARE HOME!


Christy Franklin said...

Awww I love that they are home with you! What precious little fellas! Well done.. must be bliss sleeping on your belly again :)

Larzipan said...

Love those Bubsies! They are darling!