Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Great Salt Lake Trip!

Our trip started out nice and sun-shiny but come Sunday it was 44 degrees and raining like cats and dogs. Luckily we were able to go to most of our outside places while it was still nice. I highly recommend the Dinosaur Museum-it was freakin' awesome! It goes through time from the Pre-Cambrian period to present and shows fossils, diaramas, and models of things from each period. They even have a 3-D movie theatre with movies on the stuff you'll find inside (hence the funky glasses in the pic). Unfortunately Cameron wasn't feeling the best during most of the trip but he managed to still have some fun (especially at Boondocks where we drove the go-karts 6 times, played 2 games of lazer tag, and shot miniature golf to our hearts content). I was surprised when we went by the mall and Cameron announced he'd like to 'build-a-bear'! Hence the birth of Kirby Koala. 

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