Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Belly Update

I keep receiving requests for belly pics, so here are 2.
30 weeks

31 weeks

Here are some thoughts on being pregnant: 
1. I don't have a lot of clothes that fit
2. My stomach is in my chest-along with half my intestines
3. Always know where the bathroom is
4. Flip flops with lots of padding are a life saver
5. Sleeping for more than 45 minutes at a time is nearly impossible
6. If you have twins, they do not like it when you sleep on your side. One of them is always getting squished
7. I think Cohen has ADD-he is ALWAYS moving! He was a good little baby and WAS head down, but then decided to squiggle into a transverse position that is more uncomfortable than you can possibly imagine.
8. Simple tasks like loading the dish washer, mopping the floor, and walking up stairs are HARD.
9. Always make sure there is air conditioning in the building or you are going to die
10. Have a husband who gets to come home at night and that you get to see more than 4 days a week, it would make things a lot easier (love you babe!)


Larzipan said...

ouch! It makes my uterus hurt just to listen to how hard it is to be pregnant with TWINS! Also, it is not fair that you look like I do at 7/8 months... and I only carry 1 baby! Must be that tall torso!

Christy Franklin said...

You're doing great! I can't beleive those are your ONLY complaints. Hell you're carrying two babies and you complain less then a woman carrying one! I shall always keep you in mind when I'm pregnant (which I'm not incase anyone jumps to conclusions). I will not complain. I will not complain. :)

Not much longer to go :)

Ksyphi said...

Oh you poor thing! You are at the miserable stage for sure, with a few more than miserable weeks coming up. HANG IN THERE!!!! It'll soon be over! This too shall pass =)

realula said...

Great pictures! You are beautiful!