Hi. You don't know me but Laura Callahan referred me to your blog post on cloth daipering because I am interested in switching to cloth diapers for my 3 month old son. I don't really know a lot about it or even were to start. Would you mind taking a few minutes to email me some information such as where to purchase the diapers and supplies, how you convinced your husband to make the switch, and any other important information you think I would need? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
I have the bestest job in the whole wide world; I'm a stay at home mom! My two little boys keep me on my toes and I love every minute of it. I was a teacher before I became a mommy, and let me tell you being a mommy who stays with her kids is much harder than going away to work everyday! I am passionate about breastfeeding, childcare, and lots of other things. We joined the Navy family almost a year ago and we haven't looked back!
Sci-Fi lovin' sweetheart. He is an ET(electronics technician for all non-navy people) in the Navy and currently in school at Great Lakes NTC. Really likes cats and video games for some reason. Just glad he loves me too. :)
Camden Daley
Our first borned son. A wiggly squirmy squiggle worm and an amazing tooter!
Cohen Diggory
Our seconed borned, but not by much! His favorite activities include squeeling, puking, &making troll faces
Our first baby. Cute yet sometimes nuerotic. Loves toys, walks, and chasing anything that moves. We're trying to decide whether or not he can see dead people as he often barks at nothing apparent (it's gotta be ghosts!)
Hi. You don't know me but Laura Callahan referred me to your blog post on cloth daipering because I am interested in switching to cloth diapers for my 3 month old son. I don't really know a lot about it or even were to start. Would you mind taking a few minutes to email me some information such as where to purchase the diapers and supplies, how you convinced your husband to make the switch, and any other important information you think I would need? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
I guess you would need my email address to email me...sorry
Thanks again.
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